Abbreviated rules of punctuation are presented below. For complete guidelines, consult The Associated Press Stylebook , which has a comprehensive punctuation guide.
Use caution when keying an apostrophe. When using smart typography (marks that are curved or sloped), the correct orientation is left- or downward-facing: couldn’t, there’s, you’re
Use an apostrophe to indicate omitted letters and figures: ’95
An apostrophe is not needed when indicating eras or forming plurals of acronyms: 1990s
An apostrophe is not needed in Founders Day.
Use a colon before a listing if the introductory statement can stand alone as a sentence.
Capitalize the first word after a colon only if it is a proper noun or the start of a complete sentence. Do not capitalize the first word if it is part of a series of items or a phrase.
Place the colon outside quotation marks, unless the colon is part of the quote itself.
Use a comma if its omission slows a reader’s comprehension.
Use a comma between independent clauses of compound sentences connected by the following conjunctions: and, but, or, so, yet
Use commas to separate elements in a series, including before the final conjunction: The flag is red, white, and blue.
Use a comma to separate a series of adjectives equal in rank: a wet, slick road
Use commas to set off a person’s age in text, as well as hometown.
Use a comma in numbers greater than 999.
A comma is not needed after short introductory adverbial phrases: In May students will graduate.
A comma is not needed between the season and the year, or between the month and the year.
A comma is not needed before attribution if a quoted statement ends with a question mark or exclamation point: “Will you come with me?” she asked.
There are two types of dashes: the en dash and the em dash, sometimes referred to as short and long dashes, respectively. Illinois State does not use the en dash/short dash.
- The em dash is most easily typed using a keyboard shortcut:
- PC: alt+control+hyphen
- Mac: option+shift+hyphen
The em dash is used to denote parenthetical thought: The race—postponed by rain—had few athletes.
Use em dashes for a phrase that would normally be set off by commas but contains a series that must be separated by commas.
Eliminate spaces on both sides of an em dash.
Use an ellipsis to indicate the deletion of one or more words in condensing quotes, text, or documents.
Use a single space on both sides of the ellipsis.
An ellipsis is not used to start or end a direct quote.
When an ellipsis is used following a complete sentence, end the sentence with a period. Insert a space before the start of the ellipsis.
- Limit the use of hyphens.
- Use a hyphen to avoid ambiguity.
- Use a hyphen to form a single idea from two or more words.
Only use a hyphen in a compound modifier if its omission will slow comprehension: first grade teacher, chocolate chip cookie, small-business owner
A hyphen is not needed with adverbs ending in “ly” that are used to modify a noun.
- Do not use a hyphen to designate dual heritage: Italian American
- Use a hyphen to avoid unnatural duplicated vowels and consonants: shell-like
- Use a hyphen in compounds in which the second element is a proper noun or a numeral: mid-1995
- Use a hyphen to join double prefixes: sub-subparagraph
- Use a hyphen if the word changes meaning without it: recover, re-cover
- Hyphenate Bloomington-Normal in all references.
- Use a hyphen when expressing age as a phrase: John Doe is a 5-year-old boy.
- Use a hyphen when giving dimensions as an adjective before a noun: A 5-foot,11-inch man was arrested.
Follow Merriam-Webster when determining the use of a hyphen in words that have the prefix “co” or “non.”
- Place a period inside quotation marks.
- Place a period inside parentheses if the enclosed text is a complete sentence. If it is not, the period goes outside.
- Use periods in abbreviations of most degrees: B.S., Ph.D. An exception is MBA.
- Periods are not used in acronyms.
Add ’s for both singular and plural nouns not ending in s: horse’s food, women’s rights
Add ’s for singular common nouns ending in s: witness’s testimony
Add an apostrophe for plural nouns ending in s: boys’ books
Add an apostrophe for proper names ending in s: Agnes’ meal
An apostrophe is not needed in descriptive phrases: citizens band radio
Quotation marks
Use quotation marks for the titles of short works, such as magazine articles, speeches, papers, and unpublished manuscripts; short musical works; poems not published in book form; and conferences and meetings.
- Quotation marks are not needed for titles of academic courses.
- Quotation marks are not needed for an annual event: Bone Distinguished Lecture Series
- Quotation marks are not needed for website tabs. These headings should be capitalized.
- Use in listings of phrases that contain commas.
- Use to join closely related independent clauses that are not joined by a conjunction.